Computer Technology

Computers are tools used to process the data according to the procedures that have been formulated. Computer word was originally used to describe people who  perform arithmetic calculations, with or without the tools, but the meaning of this word is then transferred to the machine itself. Origins, processing information almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics.

Article for Computer Technology

In the sense that there are tools such as slide rules, mechanical calculators types ranging from abacus and so on, until all contemporary electronic computers. The term better suited for a broad sense as "computer" is "that process information" or "information processing systems." Over the years there have been several different meanings in the word "computer", and several different words are now called called computers.
Said computer once commonly used to define people who perform arithmetic calculations, with or without auxiliary engine. According to the Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology, the word is used in English in 1646 as the word for "people who count" and then before 1897 is also used as a "mechanical calculators". During World War II, the word refers to the workers of the United States and British women who work to calculate artillery war path with the machine count.
Charles Babbage designed one of the first calculating machine called the analytical engine. In addition, a variety of simple mechanical devices such as a slide rule also has to be said as a computer.

1. Is the result of sophisticated computer industry is beneficial.
Computers as we know it today is the result of the development of electronics and informatics technology so that the form of the original large-sized computer and eating places, now are small with great ability. Industry advancement of electronic components IC (integrated circuit) has prompted the creation of various IC chip devices and supporting a diverse range of electronic product manufacturing purposes. Advancement of electronics technology can not be separated from the advancement of knowledge and the processing of silicon semiconductor material particular.

The benefits of today's computers are quite diverse ranging as a tool to write, draw, edit photos, play video, play a song until the analysis of research data as well as to operate the programs completion problems of scientific, industrial and flying businesses. The world has long known child plaything game that is controlled by a computer system. In industry, the computer has been used to control production machinery with high accuracy (eg CNC, a versatile machine in the metal industry) so that we can find a variety of metal products industry are varied and we imagine difficult if done manually. Too many machines in the garment industry is equipped with computer control, for example bodir cap companies can manufacture the cap with embroidered uniform image quality in large quantities in a short time. In trading companies such as department stores have used a cash register (cash registers) are equipped with computer control so that the machine can be controlled by the manager only from his room alone. In education, in addition to lessons encountered as a tool, much of the equipment that comes with the computer lab so that the tool can work more closely and can overcome barriers to human senses. Of education and research that uses such tools produced many useful research results that do not taste has been widely used in people's daily life a lot. A variety of drugs, either for human health as well as agriculture and livestock has been widely used by the public. In the field of biotechnology, culture devices have many computers are equipped with controls to attempt precise work in a sterile room. Australian company has developed a robot for the purposes of this biotechnology. Application of the most sophisticated computer controls contained in aircraft and spacecraft. To be able to overcome the obstacles of nature and difficult to do manually by a pilot, an aircraft can be controlled automatically so that it can fly safely at your destination.

Thus the magnitude of the benefits of computers, for it is introduced in this paper on a computer and how to assemble them. In this paper does not explain carefully how to build an electronic circuit to build a computer or computer software (software), to be able to know this you still have to study in the fields of Electronics and Informatics. This paper is not intended that any of you know or understand computers, you can know with computer parts, assemble them and get to know the workings of particular know how to operate the software application then you will feel the benefits of such a large computer. Here again is not elaborated on the history of the invention of the computer, you just need to believe that the computer industry is a result of utilizing a variety of research and testing of scientific fields. For example, the scientific field of electronics, informatics, management, materials chemistry, material physics, physical chemistry, electrochemistry and others.
It was a computer technology that will be released in 2010, if viewed from a technology and sophistication is to come in 2010  really - really quite fantastic. TriBook with three ultra wide-screen concept that is 21? the width of the screen. He also has an 8x SuperDrive, 1TB hard drive, and the MacBook Pro-caliber CPU, plus a trackpad multitouch keyboard,

In this system, memory is a numbered sequence of bytes (such as "cell" or "pigeon holes"), each containing a small piece of information. This information may be a command to tell the computer what to do. Cell may contain data which is necessary for the computer to perform a command. Each slot may contain one, and what is now the data might then be perintah.Memori storing various forms of information as binary numbers. The information will not be solved in the form of binary (encoded) with a number of instructions that turn it into a number or sequence of numbers. For example: The letter F is stored as a decimal number 70 (or binary digits) using one of the methods of solving. More complex instructions could be used to store images, sound, video, and various kinds of information. The information can be stored in a single sell is called a byte.

Central Processing Unit or CPU (Central Processing Unit) role is to process the orders given by computer users, manage it with the data on the computer. Processing units or devices will also communicate with the input devices, output and storage to carry out instructions that are interrelated.

In the original von Neumann architecture, he describes an Arithmetic and Logic Unit, and a Control Unit. In modern computers, the second unit is located in a single integrated circuit (IC - Integrated Circuit), which is usually called a CPU (Central Processing Unit).
Arithmetic and Logic Unit, or Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), is a tool that performs basic implementation such as the implementation of arithmetic (addition, subtraction, and the like), the implementation of the logical (AND, OR, NOT), and the implementation of comparison (eg, compare the content as much as two slots for equality). At this unit done "working" real.
The control unit stores the current command is performed by a computer, instruct the ALU to carrying out and get back information (from memory) required to carry out the order, and move back the results to the appropriate memory location. This unit serves to control the reading of instructions a computer program.
Input and results
I / O allows a computer to get information from the outside world, and put his work there, it can be physical (hardcopy) or non-physical (softcopy). There are all sorts of tools I / O, from the familiar keyboard, monitor and disk drive, to the more unusual such as a webcam (web camera, printer, scanner, and so on.
Owned by all the usual input devices is that they encode (convert) information of a kind to the data that can be further processed by a digital computer system. Tool output, decode the data into information that can be understood by the computer user. In this sense, a digital computer system is an example of a data processing system.
Commands discussed above are not commands like human language. Computer only has a limited number of simple commands in well-defined. Common commands that are understood most computers are "copy the contents of cell 123, and a place in the cell clone 456", "add the contents of cell 666 to cell 042, and place result in cell 013", and "if the contents of cell 999 are 0, the next command you in cell 345 ".
Instructions are represented as numbers in a computer - code for "copying" may be 001, for example. A set of specific commands are supported by a particular computer is known as machine language. In practice, people usually do not write orders for computers directly in machine language but use programming language "high level" which was later translated into machine language automatically by special computer programs (interpreters and compilers). Some programming languages ​​closely related to machine language, such as assembler (low level language), on the other hand, languages ​​like Prolog are based on abstract principles far removed from the actual implementation details by machine (high level language).
3. Computer parts
Computer consists of 2 major parts of the software (software) and hardware (hardware).

    Processor or CPU as the data processing unit
    RAM memory, which store data temporarily
    Hard drive, semi-permanent storage media
 Input devices, media used to enter data to be processed by the UPS, such as mouse, keyboard, and tablet
Output devices, the media used to display the output of CPU processing, such as monitors, speakers, plotters, projectors and printer
Operating system
    Basic program on the computer that connects users with computer hardware. The operating system used is Linux, Windows, and Mac OS. Operating system tasks including (but not only) set the program execution on it, coordination of input, output, processing, memory, and software installation. 
The computer program
An application is installed in accordance with its operating system

Slot on the computer
ISA / PCI slot for additional input non-graphics card
AGP / PCIe card slot for additional graphics input
IDE / SCSI / SATA, slots for hard drives / ODD
USB media input slots for plug-and-play (plug and play, meaning that devices can be connected directly to a computer and can be used).
Analog computer is a term used to describe a computing tool works on the analog level. Level analog here is the opposite (dual) of the digital level, which is the digital level voltage levels 'high' (high) and 'low' (low), which is used in the implementation of a binary number. Fundamentally, the electronic components are used as the core of the analog computer is op-amp (operational amplifier).
digital is computer computer machine created to process the quantitative data in the form of numbers, letters, punctuation, and others. implemented based on technology that converts the signal into a combination of the numbers 0 and 1.
Is the result of technology that converts the signal into a combination of sequence numbers 0 and 1 (also called binary) to process information easily, quickly and accurately. The signal is called a bit. The digital signal has a range of unique features that can not be found on analog technology, namely: 1. Able to transmit information at the speed of light that can make the information can be transmitted at high speed. 2. Repeated use of the information does not affect the quality and quantity of the information itself, 3. Information can be easily processed and modified into various forms, 4. Can process information in very large numbers and sent them interactively. Computers process data is digitally, through electrical signals it receives or sends. In principle, the computer only recognizes two currents, ie on or off, or terms in the figure are also known as 1 (one) or 0 (zero). The combination of the current on or off is what makes a computer capable of doing many things, both in introducing letters, images, sounds, and even interesting films that you watch in a digital format.
hybrid computer is a type of computer that is destined for processing the data that are both quantitative and qualitative, or with other terms combining digital with analog capability. In other words, the quantitative data is processed to produce data qualitative and vice versa.

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